Monday Quilters

Quilting began at Beulah Baptist Church in the fall of 2006. The ladies of the adult Sunday school class, led by a Godly, talented woman, Jan Wilkerson comprised the first classes.
Quilting as they knew it was usually done by hand- slow work. The idea of using a sewing machine to quilt was new to them. It would be faster than hand quilting. They still had the sewing machines they used to raise their families, the start up expense would be minimal. This would be fun! A new twist on the old sewing bee every week!
Starla Keyes and Kay Lassiter are credited with asking Jan to teach them this folk art. Jan, who had three passions, The Lord, her family, and quilting said she would pray about it.
It became Jan’s mission to teach these ladies to quilt and for the quilts they made to return to the community. The quilts would be given to local nursing homes, baby quilts for low income families and unwed mothers, and the sick in our Church family.
Jan’s mission was to never sell a quilt. This would be a labor of love. Hands working for the Lord. She donated most of the fabric for the startup “stash” and we continued to receive “care packages” from her daughter Sandy, who quilted to support herself,over the years.
This was a huge undertaking on Jan’s part. Having worked in children's Sunday school for years she knew how to teach. But when fourteen ladies showed up to learn, she had to recruit a neighbor, Kathleen, to help with the load. She never blinked, just began to teach. She started us all on the same pattern and there was a lot to learn.
Over the years people have joined and dropped out for lots of reasons, we are a flexible group. We pay dues of $ 5.00, per month and the church helps us with funds for batting and muslin for backing. Each time the fabric gets low, the Lord has supplied donations.
To join would require a working knowledge of sewing, a sewing machine, and transportation. We bring our own lunch each week. You do not have to belong to the Church to come. All are welcome.
We meet each Monday morning at 9AM and quilt until 2PM, in the fellowship hall at First Baptist Church of Beulah,
5805 Beulah Church Road, Pensacola, Fl. , 32526.
850 944-2143
Please call and talk with us if you are interested so we can arrange for someone to be available to work with you and get a supply list.